9. Rawa Blues Festival

September 23rd 1989


Bogusław Torbus, Gang Olsena, Rzeka Życia, Maciej Maleńczuk, Jan “Janga” Tomaszewski, Free Blues Band, Monkey Business, Blustro, Szweda/Nastawny, Andrzej Adam Nowakowski, Irek Dudek, Dżem, Jan "Kyks" Skrzek/Jerzy Styczyński, After Blues + Erhard Hirt (Deutschland), Aleksander Bozgin (Litva) / Easy Rider
Free Blues Band, Driver, Kramer, Blow Wind, Beer Band, Sony Blues, Blues 66, Tortilla Flat, Ostatnie Takie Trio, Zbig Band, Bardzo Orkiestra, Adam & Rakiety



In the contest we could listen to T.N.T. band with Edyta Zaitz – the only female vocalist of that edition of „Rawa Blues”. The winner of The Off Stage became Rzeka Życia – the band presenting the mixture of blues and psychodelic sounds. They really deserved it!

On The Main Stage, the spectators could listen to some international co-operations. After Blues performed with the German guitarist Erhard Hirt and Easy Rider with the Latvian axeman Alexander Bozgin. What about Polish artists? Jan „Kyks” Skrzek went on with Dżem guitarist Jerzy Styczyński. The best shows belonged to Dżem and Irek Dudek with his band and the orchestra. 

That year some important blues artists – such as Tadeusz Nalepa and Nocna Zmiana Bluesa - were absent. 

The participants of Rawa – except a few – play the same stuff on and on and do it the same way. The ones who played well – are still well. The others – can't chase the masters. Next year we have the jubilee. Will the festival still remind the old movie? - asked one of the journalists.